Do you play card games?
Typically a good card player has a strategy or approach to playing the game. After all, the purpose of the game is to come out a winner. The card player realizes that you can shape the odds of winning by playing the game wisely.
In Customer Service you too want to play to win!
If you are a winner you too want to play the trump card. A trump card is a surprise play that "trumps" or beats the other cards played. In business the trump card is "Customer Service."
Wise business leaders realize that all their investments in equipment, in partnerships, in distribution channels; all can fall apart when your employee fails to pay attention to the customer or worse, does not provide service.
Basically business is the consistent building of trust. Some think that trust is reliability. Reliability is different from trust. When you are reliable you can disappoint and perhaps your customer will not leave. But if your customer loses trust you lose the account. In my industry my sales staff love to appear when the potential customer is having a "bad day" receiving service from the competition. It is the moment when the customer is most likely to change providers.
Don't forget that you are the agent of your employer and your trump card is "Service"!