Forty percent of the nation's workers respond that they are not happy at their present jobs. Twenty percent want to change jobs as soon as possible. Sounds like there is a high level of discontent among the work force as the second decade of the millenium dawns.
Whether you are content or not your customers want you to be friendly, not grumpy.
It is important to realize that you own your attitude. Sure you have lots of problems, but if you are a professional you learn to check your problems at the work place door and dedicate yourself to your duties while you are at work. This is especially true if you are a leader. Employees want to have a level of trust that they can count on you to be the same every day. If they must guess if you are running hot or cold you will not have the level of trust you need to keep open the doors of communication.
If you are an employee it is often tempting to "dump" or tell your problems to your customer.
Remember, they are not your arm chair psychiatrist. They want friendly service, not your litany of grief.
Choose to be friendly and focused on service. See those pillars in the picture? Stand tall and resolute on being a solid professional who puts the customer first.
If you stand on your customer service principles you will be admired.
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