Monday, March 7, 2011

Great Attitude is a Great Characteristic

This past week I met a fabulous customer service waiter. What struck me about this particular person was his great attitude!

It is my custom to greet service personnel and to ask them how they are doing today. Chris, the waiter would respond "I am excellent today, I'm working."

It is so true. Having a job is an opportunity to thrive ! Unfortunately many workers do not display an attitude of gratitude that working is better than not working. They forget that working is an exchange of service for dollars.

Working is also an opportunity to achieve ! Working has great meaning. Too many of us forget to bring a positive attitude to work and do not reflect on the importance of having a job as does Chris the waiter. Chris is thankful that he is working, even though his job is not high on the social ladder.

Chris achieves high levels of customer satisfaction because he believes that every job is worth doing well. His customers note his good work and take the opportunity to point out his good work to the head waiter. Chris achieves and because he achieves he can say: "I am excellent, I'm working."

How about you? Be sure to control your own attitude, and no matter what job you have, make a difference! Every worker is of value. Act like it ! What is important is what you bring to the job.

You can be sure that when I return to the restaurant, I ask for a table that Chris serves. When I ask him how he is doing he will tell me: "I am excellent, I'm working."

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