What is the proper response to the customer that vocalizes disgust with your service?
Life has many crucial moments and what you have in your favor is that you control yourself. While you may judge that the customer is out of line or inappropriate your task is to find something to build on. The secret that you need to understand is that if you respond in kind with a negative response the negativity will increase.
To handle this situation you need to create for yourself an image that is positive. Think to yourself, what can I use as a base to build upon to transform the situation? In effect you are placing a foundation that will serve as the basis for your solution. This is called Solution Based Thinking.
Typically it is good to express empathy with the customer so as to display your acknowledgment that the concern of the customer is shared by you. Immediately proceed to options that are available to you to ameliorate what is perceived as lacking by the customer.
Think of you as the person who is intervening on behalf of the customer and state "I can do this for you."
This is great advice. The technique of thinking up an image which is calming or empowering or whatever is one to pass on to all of our front line staffs. Sometimes, however, the customer may be dissatisfied for an irrational reason, and for a variety of reasons, may not be consolable enough to be able to retain as a customer. Any advice in that case?
See the March 23, 2009 blog "The Inconsolable Customer" for some good ideas.
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