If you are looking to add something special to your customer relations there is a special word for you. It is reassurance!
Who does not want to be supported in the good decisions that they make? So if you want to excel at customer service look for the opportunity to reassure your client. In effect, you are being supportive of their choice of your product or service.
You do it by voicing supportive and complimentary remarks. Phrases such as "That was a good choice," or "This is a good purchase" or "You have made a wise choice" are all reassuring. If you have offered a discount you may remark about the great value they have obtained through their purchase.
If you think about it, customers are involved in decision making. Obviously they want to make a good choice and spend time comparing prices and quality and value for their dollar and expect a modicum of satisfaction. Your job is to re-inforce that they have done well. You need to tell them that their decision making has paid off.
If you have staff members that work for you, they too want to be reassured by you. They want to know that they are performing well. Make it a point to tell them something like this: "I want to reassure you that your are making a good contribution to the team." Or you can state it this way: "I am constantly reassured by the quality of your contributions towards the attainment of our goals and objectives."
If you are a teacher or a coach you may want to remark: "It is reassuring to see that practice is paying off for you."
Look for ways to reassure others. When you do it will begin to create an "aura" about you that is positive. People will look forward to being around you. They will want to return and be your client again.
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