It is not fair that the customer is always right when you are on the receiving end of nastiness. On the playground you may have learned that a bad attitude should be met with toughness. The mistake for customer service personnel is to emulate the bad attitude that some customers display.
While customers may be 'out of control' you are always in control of your own attitude. It is always your choice to master your own attitude and display an attitude of service. Remember that is in your best interest to be an excellent company representative that reaps the rewards of repeated business. As I have stated in an earlier blog it is the customer that pays for your 'paid holiday' and you want the repeated business.
It is called gaining an 'edge'. Despite a competitive market place, price is not the only influence.
The 'total' customer experience is based on a repetitive experience. The customer learns to expect a certain experience, that although that experience is subjective, it is real.
Even today Macy's in Chicago suffers from a failure to fulfill the subjective experience of shoppers that the staff at the old Marshall Field's store satisfied. Many shoppers at Marshall Field's store were nasty, but all the employees' of the store knew that you went the extra mile to assure that the customer experience was positive. They chose to display an attitude of customer service. You too choose your attitude. Choose a positive attitude and you will excel.
1 comment:
Positively, this is some great insight. A wise man once said something to the fact, that to succeed you must endure the C's of life; competent, calming, composers will C you through! Thank you.
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