Have you ever thought how much the "culture" of your work group influences your work? The day to day interactions of the members of the work group do have an influence.
In academic circles we learn that the "top" students" are often categorized as nerds. Of course when they do well in their careers they are admired and lose the nerd tag.
Most work groups do a good job of "leveling", that is making every member of the group toe the line and imitate the "common value" of the group. This has a positive or negative affect, depending on the "outcomes".
You will not have a "Culture of Service" if it is not seen as a value. If other values take front seat, then the value of service will not shine.
Think about taking a lead position in your group. If, it helps, remember the story of "Rudolph" who was called names and laughed at; an example of leveling. As the story goes things are transformed when Rudolph uses his talent.
If you have knowledge, skills, and abilities be sure to optimize them ! Your concern for service will shine thru!