The worse thing you can do at work is to be indifferent.
What you want to do is stand out and be recognized. How can you do that?
It is really simple. Imitate the news media and you will learn the first step.
Have you ever noticed how much time is spent on the newscasts telling you the name of who is telling you the news? The secret is using your name.
Every reporter tells you their name. The start of the major newscasts start out telling you, for example, that Brian Williams is in New York and only after that comes the news. When Brian sends the report to the scene he tells you who is reporting. When the reporter closes the story, you again hear the name of the reporter signing off.
Your parents gave you a name and when you hear your name you perk up. So start introducing yourself to your clients. Use your name. Then learn their name and use it.
Within your work setting, start using the name of people. Suddenly you will be thought of as person of good culture and upbringing.
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